blonde, blue "husky eyes" girl who is very athletic and super funnyy. she loves to party and hang with the guys. she loves soccer and goofing off. shes everyones friend and is very popular....
OMG! her eyes are gorgeous ! who is she?

oh i know ! thats colleen!
by day 5 May 16, 2011
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A crazy bitch who won't hesitate to fight you. She's short and sweet unless you piss her off. Then you better pray to god that she doesn't have her trusty knife. If she has a boyfriend/girlfriend thats her ROD and you better not even look at them. She's straight up psycho and never backs down from a challenge. She is also insanely smart and pretty. She is a psycho who demands respect and attention whether someone wants to give it to her or not.
P1"Did Colleen just see that girl flirt wit her man?"
P2 "She better run and pray"
by Bananaramma123 April 14, 2019
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The act of providing oral sex without getting any in return.
I gave a guy a blow job last night and he totally colleened me.
by Tubbytron July 11, 2017
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Colleens willfully or knowingly cause pain and or distress to others while possibly enjoying the pain or distress of others: like some sort of gladiatorial sport in which she exacts her revenge or judgment
Mean and selfish; nasty and malicious
Not faithful; false to duty, obligation, or emotion; disloyal and lacking loyalty
Colleens have the ability to make heart cutting statements with out flinching
Colleens think they can make themselves happy by leaving people behind for people they think will make them happy.
Colleens are deceptive and make people think they are cool while they cruelly hurting others with mean glares, cutting comments, and apathetically ignoring those they hurt.
That is a Colleen remark
Don’t worry about her she is just a Colleen
Please don't be a Colleen when I tell you that what happened to me that night. I really need somebody to stay by my side and not judge me.
She colleened herself into that group, until they all figure out how truely cruel she is or she changes.
by anony mice April 21, 2008
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A girl who has gas. A lot of gas. A lot. And she loves short guys who have a blondish tone to their hair.
Colleen: *Stares at short blonde guy*
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Colleen is a type of girl who was probably dropped as a baby. Colleen will call u weird names, tell u about what meds she takes, and will tolerate u calling her nicknames. Colleen can be a fun girl to talk to but will sometimes get on your nerves. She is a lover of food and will probably kill for food. Appearance wise: to be determined...
I was at a friend's pool party when my friend Jacob pulled a Colleen and started seizing in the pool. We all laughed as he struggled to be normal...
by Alberta Canada December 29, 2016
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a best friend. is loyal, sweet and probs really hot, and will be there for you and keep all of your secrets.
person: hi colleen can i talk to you?
collen: ya sure u can tell me anything!
by that one fucking idiot October 16, 2019
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