really hot way to describe a emo geek
also character off the kewlest tv prog ever (the O.C)
girl 1:that cohen is so emo
girl2:I know, i bet his room is full of cohenista and he listen's to cohen-like emo music.
girl 1:So true and I bet tomorrow he's going to update his cohen hairstyle...
girl 2:i was like so about to say that...i mean his roots aren't black anymore

also an object of lust to the untrained eye!
by Lizy's_hot June 11, 2005
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Cohen is the nicest person in town and he has so MUCH ENERGY but he doesn’t like answering his phone but on the bright side he’s the cutest person you’ll meet he most likely has curls and has an amazing sister to add on he also focuses a lot on social media and the sport he plays.
Person: Cohen is my TikTok crush

Person: Cohen is so energetic
by If somebody cared May 6, 2021
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Cohen is another word for a uterus, usually said in referring to period cramps.
“My cohen is killing me”

Is the exact same as

“I have really bad cramps
by June 19, 2023
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Someone who sits at the back of a class and watches NBA live streams.
Dude 1: wow. look at him, he's probably doing a cohen.
The cohen himself: Yes, 3 pooiiiinterrr!!!
by Ucringeme May 17, 2017
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A hockey loving popular athlete. Probably plays every school sport. Has a hot older brother. Really fucking fast. A big follower, doesn’t go against the crowd. Underneath all of his layers, we know he’s just a big softie. Has a huge heart.. but he’s a player. Has a huge snap score cause of all those girls hitting him up. Has quite a few female friends. Probably hates the math teacher. Is usually chill, but when he’s pissed.. he’s PISSED.
Cohen: yah you’re a really good friend
Unpopular boy: thanks bro!

Popular boy: were you just talking to that loser?
Cohen: yah, he’s so dumb. He just came up to me and started talking random shit
by Elasticgirl666 June 6, 2019
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The guy who doesn't play with people
Stop being such a Cohen you Nigger.
by Mango Pod 420 69 May 20, 2019
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1. Verb. To pull a Cohen is to use inaccurate and inappropriate language or phrases to describe a simple (and generally understood) process, while speaking to the audience in a demeaning manner.
2. Adjective. Someone referred to as a Cohen typically talks from an experienced standpoint on something they have little or no knowledge of, often confusing or misrepresenting ideas or concepts. A Cohen is loud and has no problem speaking for a group of people, and often loses face with most listeners.
Don't be such a cohen!
by Yvan-r November 30, 2006
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