Used as a title of love, a pet name or nickname. Attributed to Nino.
by OnlyOnyx April 16, 2018
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1. The most rad, beast, awesome, cool, boss, splenderific person that you will ever meet.


2. To be a rad, beast, awesome, cool, boss, or splenderific person.

1. Cherish Rose is here!
2. Do you see Cherish Rose?
3. OMG! Cherish Rose is beast.


1. You are so Cherish Rose!
2. Wow, you're a realll' Cherish Rose.
by Sherri Chose July 24, 2009
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To cop an amazing and kind girl. A girl every guy wants but FEW guys get. A supermodel type girl
Pulled a cherish: A fucking amazing woman
Person 1: "wow man I just pulled a Cherish"
Person 2: "a cherish?!!"
Person 3: "Damnnn I wish I was you"
by THEOGGOAT September 18, 2017
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A happy girl,always brightens up everyones days by her little giggles or her smile. She makes sure to make others around her before herself. Her generosity and humbleness is on a whole different level.shes a beautiful gal ,well known for that. She has a brain full of lots and lots of knowledge even those weird random facts.has many friends but tends to keep to herself most of the time, but she loves to party. Shes shy at times but is usually confident, she doesnt care what people think of her. Shes here to live life to the absolute fullest.
Wow have you meet cherish stamp yet?
by Lambobamboo April 4, 2017
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something my mom used today.. i've heard of it once in seinfeld..

-are you happy mom?
-yes i think i'm gonna cherish the sanctuary
by rasen June 10, 2006
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When a spitfire of a woman seduces you with her tounge skills by making a knot in a cherry stem, so you go to your place where she ends up handcuffing you naked to your staircase and steals all your ice cream and alcohol. She may or may not pee in the cat box, it depends on the alcohol in your fridge.
So, how did the rest of your night go?

Well, I now hate cherries and my cat is scared of women
A Dirty Cherish will get ya every time
by Noctomaly June 6, 2020
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