Originated from Marvel comics, it was originally Night Crawlers sound affect when he would teleport. However, Dane Cook likes to be a stupid douchebag and take all the credit and uses the term BAMF as 'Bad Ass Mother Fucker'
Dane Cook: And I was like MAN I'M SUCH A BAMF!


by OmgTheOneGuy April 27, 2009
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Bad Ass Mother Fucker - any guy who's remarkably comfortable with his sexuality. he gets "family portraits" taken with his roomates. isn't scraed of a little bromance with the intent of being daringly funny. said roomates, may also dress in slacks and argyle sweaters. maybe even OVER dress to a work function in tuxedos with tails and hawaiian print shirts. they may also have the balls to wear superhero briefs and show them off in public like it ain't no bigs! while out getting drunk, they're not afraid to buy rediculous amounts of "girly" drinks and chug them while chasing said drinks with jolly rancher shots and buttery nipples. these guys are so badass, that some lucky girls might get bought shots of water in a bar. these said BAMFs also have a tendancy to listen to classic songs and may even be caught singing Abba's Dancing Queen at a local kareoke night. also, they might do these things completely trashed off booze, or sober. never know with a BAMF
BAMF - most TACPs and JTACs
by nomex August 12, 2011
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"Wow, Robert and Sarah, you two are BAMFs."
"Aw, look at that BAMF over there!"
by Surrrrrah Emily April 1, 2010
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