A guy who try’s to control people and chooses other people’s friends and he forces people to do what he says
Alessandro is mean
by Heck ya January 24, 2018
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A fuckboy.
All the above definitions have probably been written by an Alessandro.
Girl1: "His name is Alessandro, he seems so romantic!"
Girl2: "Don't let his name fool you. It's his best pick up line"
by abcedfu123 June 17, 2022
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A perfect man that's an embodiment of your dreams. He's a wonderful husband that makes you feel like the only girl in the world. He's good looking, funny, intelligent, sweet, romantic, fun to be around and overall has a perfect personality.
I heard she's married to Alessandro. She's so lucky!
by cuteprettywife December 10, 2021
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Extra small dick and doesn’t need to flirt to get the ladies attention cause all he dose is fucks up. Also see wanka, jackass, asshole, dickhead, brainless and microscopic. He is an idiot.
Me: go away
Alessandro: why?
Me: cause your annoying

Alessandro: why?
Me: do you have a brain

Alessandro: no have you read the definition of me?
by Ur MoM IS gAYyyY AF November 14, 2019
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hottest coolest and sweetest guy in the world. he will always make you smile and never make you sad well he will try his best not to hurt anyone and he has beautiful eyes and smile
x: why you are so happy?
y: I talked to alessandro
by alessandroloveforever April 2, 2011
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hates women, has airpods, suspect for terrorism, has done terrorism, safety hazard, STAY AWaY
by BigDoob February 5, 2019
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Alessandro ... well he is the most hot guy you could ever meet, but , his goodlooking is not a good sign because if he wants a girl he will obtain her with just his sweet and gourgeous fake look into your eyes, he is a fuckboy , he loves beautiful and hot girls , he is not a guy you could have a relationship with , he is not serious at all! But in the deep of his heart , if he wants a girl and that girl doesn't want him (it's very difficult that a girl doesn't want him) or is very hard to get he literally FALLS IN LOVE with her and his lovely , respectuful , kind , gentleman and sweet suffering little poor guy side comes immediately out , but if it is the girl that can't get over him , well he could care less because there are sooo many girls running after him that it is totally normal to him.
When Alessandro has a girl he tells lies over lies trying to make her fall in love and make her think they will have the most beautiful relationship a couple could ever have and that he is the most loyal boy you could ever meet , but girls DON'T believe to his lies!

But if you have Alessandro as a friend , he is the most caring and loyal friend there could be , he is very serious in friendship relationships , and if a fake person enters his life he immediately understands it and try to stay away from him. So Alessandro is not that bad , he is just a fuck boy that wants to have fun, but is the most perfect , loyal and funny , crazy
"A guy just broke my heart! He told me we would have been the most perfect couple in the whole world and blah blah blah , I just can't get over him!"

"It's definitely an Alessandro, ugh"
by Pseudonymaterus February 8, 2018
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