A black ass nigger who likes to go into the bathroom and jerk off, he is always sticking a pencil up his ass and sticks his dick out in school.
by Herootoneu March 14, 2018
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A very short guy who is pretty resourceful. He can crawl through your chimney into your house. Usually he has a very small dick, but girls will claim he knows how to use it. He will also somehow manage to always have connections for the most random ass things, but can disappear for months at a time. When the cops try to pull him over, he runs away.
Hey man have you seen that short guy who has been recently running from the cops on i40?

Yeah man! He’s definitely a Duncan!
by MoneyHippo January 21, 2019
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Theme park worker:Your to small to ride this

Duncan:But I'm old enough

Theme park worker:But your like 3’4
by YourGrandmotherCar February 13, 2022
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One with a strong attitude. Someone who thinks they know it all.
Wow quit being such a duncan today.
by justinbitchbaby August 5, 2012
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A ignorant, stupid person that believes they know more than they do, their physical strength blinds them to the world outside their ego, they emphasis independence when they are reliant on others for support and worst of all they are narcissists.
that Duncan is full of himself
by Jellyfishsuck December 1, 2015
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(Adjective) A way to describe a negative or passive aggresive comment. Could also be used to describe someone's shitty attitude towards every aspect of life. When Duncanisming you can gurantee that no work will get done and all problems will get worse.
He didn't get enough sleep this morning and can't stop spewing duncanism all over the place.
by Lost.In.The.Sauce. February 16, 2019
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