SLOT is an acronym of the words "slave of technology". It describes electronic gadget junkies (computer, cellphone, Blackberry, PSP, etc.), especially if they think they couldn't live without them. Applicable to many urban teenagers. Can be a guy or girl.
"What would you slots do without hydro?"
"I'd say 70 hours a week in front of screens would qualify you as a slot".
by Slagothor April 13, 2007
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bang,fuck, shag. Wot Simon Neill does to luke when asked if he wants to go sk8. HELMET CHEESE BOY
"Simon ain't comin out cos he's too busy slotting spotty Luke"
by Simon hater December 21, 2003
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Verb. To slot a drink means to down it or to at least drink it quickly.
Example 1: "Fuck we're late, slot it!"
Example 2: "I've got a massive hangover. Way too much slotting went on last night."
by Whippet May 31, 2005
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Guy1: Damn I was tired asl
Guy 2: yea nigga you was slotted
by Essemac December 6, 2018
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A vulgar term referring to the act of sex

Past tense: Slotted
Bob: Check out the ass on that bird
Dave: Mate I've been slotting that for a while now.
by Bobfishnoodle April 14, 2017
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What the senior citizens wear at the Casino while playing the Slot Machines. The diaper is worn for long periods of time for fear of missing the Jackpot upon leaving to use the washroom.
Granny was geared up for an 8hr shift on her favorite One Armed Bandit cuz she had her Slot Diaper on.
by will bitten June 6, 2017
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also known as Strength of Time Slot, is a term used, often in televation ratings circle, particularly network tv ratings, in describing the competitiveness of a timeslot. The more competitive the slot, the harder it is for shows, especially those on lowly network stations such as CW, to garner high viewership, either in the 18-49 age group or total viewers. Many shows get canceled due to being in difficult time slots as well as facing off against much higher rated shows in the similar slot.
Duante: Monday nights are typically very poor for the CW as they have to go up against shows such as NBC's The Voice and Blacklist, two shows which often pull 3.0 or higher ratings for the 18/49 age group and 9+ million total viewers. The Strength of Slot is pretty high and competitive

MUA Nicole Kristen Williams: So true, The top show on CW is lucky to pull a 1.4 in 18-49 much less a 2.0 or 3.0+.
by DuanCulo aka Duante Amorculo December 8, 2014
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