Where ordinary words go to be reborn.
Dictating while driving and doing her nails, her text said that she was happy with her new high bridge Toyota Penis. Could she give him a shocking lisp? If he would pick up a few ripe tornadoes and parrots she could cook his favorite vaginal soup.

He didn't even try to translate. Once again she had crossed the border into the Spell-Czech Republic.
by Monkey's Dad December 10, 2020
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a small island in the sea next to spain. its flag is yellow with a lion on
'ever visited urglesvenian republic of urzbeki?'
by huim yuans January 23, 2013
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A hypothetical nation where sovereignty rests with the people or their representatives, rather than with a monarch or emperor.
Also, the inhabitants do not let tyrants run their lives and take away their freedoms. In this Republic, they practiced true democracy.
The Republic doesn't exist in real life and it will never be another country like it.
by American Memes Research October 21, 2021
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A national holiday you can celebrate instead of Independence Day if you're a Filipino immigrant.

July 4, 1946 marks the day when the Philippine Islands declared independence from America's posession. It was formerly known to be the country's Independence Day, until it was moved to June 12 to celebrate the nation's independence from Spain in 1898.
Aquino: It's the 4th of July! It's a great day to be Filipino!!
Adam: Why? It's an American holiday.
Aquino: It's Republic Day for the Philippines! If only they sold yellow along with those white, blue, and red cupcakes at Walmart.
by synkxx July 4, 2020
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Bicol Region, a region in the Philippines where Filipino progressive activists want to live and create because of the disgraceful landslide victory of the controversial son of the late dictator in the 2022 National Elections (COMELEC).
Foreigner: Where are you from?
Filipino: I'm from the Republic of Bicolandia
Foreigner: So you're from the Philippines?

Filipino: Yes, but actually, no.
Foreigner: So you really hate him that much?
Filipino: Pretty much.
by Mateo Martir May 12, 2022
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A word inspired by the letters USSR, the UCSR was the end goal of what Trump wanted to turn America into. In the UCSR, the US will no longer exist as it once was. The federal government would prohibit the enactment of any Democrat ideals, and end all forms of welfare and public education. Immigration would come to an end. Online platforms would be prohibited from creating their own rules. Punishment for crimes would be harsh. Sex-Ed would be banned.

The UCSR is not to be confused with the recent definition of Trumpistan, which was Trump's plan B if he could not turn the US into the UCSR.
If Trump got a second term, by 2024 the US would have either turned into Union of Conservative State Republics, or Trumpistan.
by MST3K I like April 12, 2022
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When somebody is reffering to their reputation because of their age and they got it right
It's because of my trust and my repubility
by TryYourReputation October 12, 2019
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