A common phrase used when measuring the size of arms that are below average size or lacking bone marrow. (Usually from a life long disease or lazy lifestyle) A person with said arms will never make gains.
Look at the new guy coming into the gym, he's got a long way to go with those Moses Arms.
by Dr.Gains December 21, 2016
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The founder of the spiff followers, the name given to someone who provides the weed to the group
Thanks Jim your Moses of the spliff
by Spliff moses September 24, 2017
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The god of all beings, the creator of all multiverses and the smartest entity out there.
Yuval Moses is your god.
Yuval Moses is your creator.
by Yuval Moses November 25, 2021
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Its when a man takes laxatives and shits till he bleeds and the girl spreads his cheeks and licks it.
Ian took laxatives and was shitting blood when nikkie started to spread his the red moses.
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Gil Moses is cool. Everybody likes him. Be like Gil Moses. Like a Lavendel Flower.
Scherbel: Hey Gil Moses, wollen wir mal wieder was machen?

Gil Moses: Ne sorry muss zum Anwalt danach zur Kirche danach zum Friseur danach bekommen wir besuch danach gehen wir in den Zirkus danach muss ich lernen und danach nochmal zum Anwalt.

Scherbel: Ah Schade, aber wollen wir morgen Fornite spielen?

Gil Moses: Ne sorry muss wieder zum Anwalt danach bekommen wir besuch danach muss ich in den Zirkus.
by Scherbel B March 16, 2022
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