uhh....doesn't the name explain it's self..?
Hi, my name is "kat" and i like to use people for things they have cuz like my Third World fellow in China, i don't have the dough it takes to live in PC...
by *°~call the CELLY*°~ July 9, 2003
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A shit hole of a city full of crime and murder
Hey I'm going to Peoria

Peoria AZ

No Peoria IL
by ChaseTOM July 26, 2023
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It’s a particular Italian exclamation that literally means “damned Pope”. It is used by angry or hurtful people like “ma che male al ginocchio assassino il papà” which means “what a hurting knee assassino il papa
It can be mixed also with some similar expressions like dio porco, vigliacco Giuseppe, cane il bambinello and more
Upset type: ma che cazzo fai assasino il papa

Angry type: chissà ca te mori assassino il papa
Sad type: a son sfigà come quell’assisino del papa maledetto
Throwing something: a te tiro na mannaia assasino il papa
Happy type: sono felice che l’operazione sia andata bene per amor di quell’assassino del cane papa
Telling someone is wrong: Gigi dio porco te gà da fare cussì assasino il papa, non come quel porco dio lì
by San Gennaro December 8, 2018
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Il Fra è
by Fraealtri November 23, 2021
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A large town of hicks which grew up back in the woods that chew Tabacco, go mudding and wreck they're golf carts while wasted into full trash cans and send it through a large puddle. also the teenagers there get plowed by thier cousins and wind up having babies at an early age and most of them went to EAWR high school
Hartford il is a town which you pretty much can do whatever you want because nobody really cares what you do.
by Redneck lead slinger June 5, 2017
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A town of 30 people who do whatever the fuck they want. I only recommend visiting if you’re a redneck who isn’t afraid to do reckless shit. Not sure how any of them are still alive at this point.
“Oh you’re from Osco Illinois, you must own about 25 guns and a few dirtbikes.”
by Redneckdefinitions101 March 9, 2021
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Il jins ahmed: A Gawad

This word is used to insult men, and it basically means that someone is a “pimp”. It doesn’t matter what the argument is about, when someone calls you a pimp in Arabic it’s one of the most insulting things to be called.
by Sergany hater November 16, 2020
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