Just had mind blowen orgasmic sex with a sexy guy named mittens
She got mittenized last night
by mittens17 December 3, 2014
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when you fist someone do hard they bleed or, when you fist someone on their period😝
John: I had gay sex last night and walked out w a red mitten.
Jordan: ik, I was there.


Jessica: she said she was on her period and I said “I don’t mind a little red mitten”

by GAYYYYYY69 April 20, 2022
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A guy who loves getting pegged by radical feminists
That stupid fucker works at Target. What a Douche Mitten.
by xanadude313 August 21, 2019
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A silly little skrunkly we love mittens here
he is the kindest human man will meet
i wouks give mitzi a hug rn!!
"hey do u know that one mf named mittens"

"fuck yeah i love mittens!!"
by Scootziescoots November 21, 2021
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when a lesbian grinds on another woman. the lips will touch each other and fold making a mittens
Ell: you were great last night

Dream: Thanks, I love doing mittens with you
by DreamIsALesbian January 23, 2021
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A cute little kitten who is a Chess Bot on Chess.com. Pretends to have an ELO (Chess rating) of 1.

However, due to it outplaying even the strongest Grandmasters, and due to its outright EVIL remarks while playing a game against it, many players have decided its really a demonic entity existing solely to crush the souls of a Chess players.
Master Chess player: Have you played Mittens yet?
Club-level friend of Master player: Yes. That thing is scary, isn't it?
Master player: I swear that kitten is straight from Hell.
by jadis666 March 12, 2023
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