When awesome and cool just aren't enough to describe something.
Aym: "We're awesome!"
Mdy: "No we're not, we're better! We're fucking so Rad maan
by AyMan Dny August 6, 2020
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What you would call some one who is profoundly homosexual
That dude was such a p-rad I almost caught the gay.
by Jjkool July 20, 2015
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being the mvp
Jacques de Whip: I'm carrying this game rn
Nerdie: you're the Rad/Elite of the group
Jacques: shut up holy fucking shit
by the russia (p)resident December 28, 2022
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Someone who cracks a cold one on Saturday with his buddy’s and goes to work the next day drunk
Tod- yo Brian ur such a rad man

Brian- thanks but it’s all gonna end soon

Tod-my wife’s pregnant 🤰
by Xxxraadmae June 7, 2019
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Kind of like a vulture, or someone who takes what they can get for free.
Person 1: *Takes someones leftover loot on insert video game here

Person 2: Oh come on, you stupid rad roach!
by Anon13254 April 21, 2019
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To embody FULLY living. To be rad phi is to have a zest for life and the desire to fully embrace all that life has to offer.

This word is derived off a man who embodies this philosophy: Phil Noël
Yo, he's so rad phi
by johannes_silento November 16, 2022
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the name Rad origin from gothenburg. but is also got origin in stockholm sweden. the swedish people who goes under the name Rad has been exposed to does of radiation through their life and has given them a more resistance tolerance to any kinds of radiation. like most radiation has some complications with the body this is more affecting the brains chemicals to the point it gives more dopamines ( reward system ) but lowers the more human aspects such as empathy and rational thinking.
Rad name
person 1 : "did you hear he saw a man die, I hope he is gonna be fine after seeing something like that " .
Person 2 : " nah don't worry he is pretty rad ".
person 1 : "oh well I suppose that is why he is so chill about it "
by steveo64 February 15, 2018
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