A doubt picker is someone who picks up ends of cigarettes and smokes the remains.
by BigTadger22 July 24, 2022
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Ryan Pickeral is the best guy you will ever meet.He is so loving and caring for everyone. I am so happy to know him. Ryan is so funny and pretty and he doesn’t even realize it I wish he would just understand. I only met Ryan this year but it’s been the best year of my life.
Is that Ryan Pickeral. “Omg he is so hotikr
by Thebestteddybeargurlll November 9, 2018
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A slang term for one who "picks her pearl" or fishes around in her personal clam area for the prized pearl or clitoris.
by FartAss69420 March 27, 2023
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A being of immense cosmic power, prophesied by the Sooths of Yorkshire to save the world from great calamity.

Unfortunately, after the last descendant of the Sooths was killed by a rogue chupacabra in the late 19th century the legend has largely been lost to time.
"Do you know who I am?"


"I'm Ronnie Pickering!"

"Who the f**k's that"
by TheGreatIncognitus March 30, 2023
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booger pickers (slang, US) A pair of finger-less gloves.
Timmy looked like a hobo with his old winter coat and booger pickers.
by damiensurnameless November 2, 2023
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The fucker that takes all of the red skittles that you have put in a bowl
That Sawyer is a fucking Red-Picker. He only eats the red skittles
by Pimple juice April 20, 2015
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