Like romance itself, this person no matter what cannot find love as they seek it— much like a hopeless romantic, however instead of just believing in love, this one tends to give up on trying to find it for oneself and instead looks for it’s presenwe in the world around them whether it be real or of fiction.
Bob: Hey Steve!! Look over there, it’s a forbidden romantic

Steve: You mean hopeless right?
Bob: no..I mean forbidden, dude can’t find love for himself so he be looking for it in other’s
Steve: heh? well, alright then..
by One and Only Fool November 13, 2022
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When you see your partner after a very long time of not seeing them, which typically occurs after a tour of duty in the military or a year of service that is served far away from your home after college, and you pull them aside for a minute or two to tell them how much you missed them, that you love them, and just to take a chance give your partner a little physical affection considering they may be craving it after not being with you for so long.
Zachary: I’m happy your back from your tour of duty. I am guessing your happy to be back home.
Pedro: Yes, I am happy to be home after such a long time of being away. Would you excuse me and Britany for a minute?
Zachary: Sure.
(Pedro and Britany walk a short distance away. They begin talking to each other quietly. Pedro puts his arms around Britany and kisses her briefly.)

Zachary: Are you guys ready to go?
Britany: Yes, we are.

Zachary: What we were you guys doing anyway? Was something wrong?
Pedro: No, we were taking a romantic minute. I have not seen Britany in a year to a year and half. I really missed her.
Zachary: I see.
by Vanguard 1998 March 27, 2021
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When a couple dates and spends their time lounging at home together on a couch or in a bed (non-sexually). Activities that go with Romantic Potatoeing include: Watching Netflix/Hulu, eating snacks all day and not meals, cuddling with blankets/robes on, and possibly doing laundry.
Jane and I were romantic potatoeing all through the rainy day.
by StrawberryMilkWolf October 16, 2017
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When a couple dates and spends their time lounging at home together on a couch or in a bed (non-sexually). Activities that go with Romantic Potatoeing include: Watching Netflix/Hulu, eating snacks all day and not meals, cuddling with blankets/robes on, and possibly doing laundry.
Jane and I were romantic potatoeing all through the rainy day.
by StrawberryMilkWolf October 16, 2017
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GUY ON DATE: I don't kiss. It's not healthy. It spreads bacteria.
LADY ON DATE: You're romantic like dandruff.

LADY: My husband bought me an exercise machine and an electronic calorie counter for Valentine's
FRIEND: Romantic like dandruff
by Sparkina67 January 19, 2011
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How you feel looking at your fellow cellmate, whom has not yet had the joyous experience of having his asshole gaped by your loving embrace.
"You need to hang up on that computer call, and come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, I'm feeling romantical."
by theturnc0at July 28, 2023
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Romantic but with an ical 😎
We are so romantical
by 04/19/22 July 18, 2022
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