A sonic fan who been sending dick pics so long that he started in 5th grade and is tall I guess...
Girl 1: Omg Brendan is so cute!
Girl 2: Bitch you need a good guy and you shouldn’t date my ex
Girl 1: PSH I didn’t want to date him!! I just think he is cute cause his tall!
Girl 2: Sure...
by Brendan’s_Ex July 2, 2018
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He has a fat ass, sexiest male ever and is the Pudding Man also known as the messiah
is that brendan, holy shit hes the so hot, can i suck on his toes
by Da Pudding Man July 7, 2020
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That dude who slaps his own ass during straight sex.
He is very straight. "WOW Brendan is so hot and seems straight"-Straight woman who isn't transgender
by HypersMyth August 15, 2018
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A really sweet nerd! Fucking adorable little thing with the most beautiful blue eyes ever! Smartest person you will ever know!
Person 1: omg did you see his eyes?

Person 2: yeah, they are almost as beautiful as brendans
by supercell56 July 21, 2019
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sexy hot ching chong bing bong. most fuckable asian out there. brendan is straight but all the boy and girls want him
grimace: heyyy, GIVE ME THE D

brendan: i can shake your world grimace

brendan: but im not gay

Grimace: you little cutie patootie, i want you sooo bad
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A very fat person with a discolored neck. Skips school to play fortnite and doesn’t achieve at school. Talks trash online but gets slapped in real life. He doesn't stop talking but when he does its because he’s eating
Eww Look at that fat kid

“Yeah His name is Brendan”
by Anonymous 514 May 19, 2019
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