Basically a Mexican standoff between prominent countries that possess nuclear weapons and have different polictical agendas. Causes the entire world to be gripped in a sort of doomsday fatalism. Also results in peace talks to boil down to a pissing match in which each side takes a "I'll-throw-down-my-gun-if-you-throw-down-your-gun-first" attitude.
In "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" the apes may have survived if they had thier own nukes. The mutant humans wouldn't have used thier nuke because of fear of mutually assured destruction. Which didn't matter anyway, because they all ended up dead, like a bunch of pork rinds.
by Pigeon McNugget October 8, 2003
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Excessive amount of nostalgia and grieving for the past to the point where present and the future becomes irrelevant for the person. This can be mostly caused by lack of happiness in the present and depression. The name destructive comes from the fact it causes destruction of the future due to being demotivated to do anything for it.
Patient: "The present and future has nothing for me, the brightness of my lost past is corroding my mind."
Therapist: "That sounds like destructive nostalgia."
by realsvr March 11, 2021
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The helmet of destruction is deadly. Whoever wears it earns +5 Charisma and whoever their victim is dies and immediate death with one hit. The helmet should never be in the hands of a noob. Only the REAL ones should have it.
"Hey look! It's the Helmet of Destruction! Wait... why is Bobby looking at m-" Little Jimmy's last words.
by YeetusFeetusAbortusCompletus January 10, 2019
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This is when you have enhanced the power to leave the store without Paying for the product(s).
by Judy forehead December 23, 2020
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This is the time when you are at a store and you have enabled the power to legally proceed through the store without having to pay and you have the receipt of the items you have taken.
by Judy forehead December 22, 2020
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C.D.D. aka (Compulsive Destructive Disorder) is the act of blowing shit up just to blow shit up!
C.D.D. (Compulsive Destructive Disorder) is the act of blowing shit up just to blow shit up!
Guy 1: Dude why did you destroy that car!

Guy 2: Sorry man I got C.D.D
by PattonM47 November 23, 2021
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