It is the name given to the hot spicy penis when pulled out of sexual partner's anus, who has had mexican food that day.
"What the hell man...why didnt you tell me you had a burrito for dinner...I'm having a fucking Jalapeno Sunrise"
by Basajaun08 January 22, 2021
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A catboy but in denial. Probably like mens but who knows? Loves crimes and terroizing Lyric aka Animallover24678
Whose that cool dude over there?

That's rod sunrise!

Oh my goodness
by Animallover24678 October 26, 2022
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1. it's dawn when you finish work and you are finally ready for some action but your partner is sleeping and mad at you for turning the music on.

2. an alone party you host for yourself after you finish work because you, instead of finally sleeping, get distracted by the cyber.

3. when you take a bath together in the morning rays before leaving to work/school. later partners may be found restraining their tongues saying:
me? oh, i had a sunrise bash... ;)
by February 16, 2012
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a popular alcoholic drink on the east coast. You mix juice with vodka and a couple of other things and call it a sunrise. Usually fixed at parties, and typically a chic drink.
Taylor- Yo what can I hit you up with?

Jennie- I think I want a sunrise capri sun
by mrmixer123 March 19, 2010
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The phenomenon where you've had a lethal dose of McDonalds the night before and you wake up with new brown friends in your boxers
"I think we overdid it with the Big Macs"
"Sounds like you're gonna have a brown clown sunrise"
by BassMaster306 September 15, 2023
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When your friend is blacked out so you empty a shaker of black pepper in their face
Bro maybe an Alabama Sunrise will wake him up
by vanessaasor May 16, 2020
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When you're drinking a Tequila Sunrise and a black man with rather large genitalia dips said genitalia into the drink.
I was at a gay bar one day enjoying a fag and Tequila Sunrise when some black guy shoved his dick and sack into my drink! He called it the watermelon sunrise!
by DarkendTheMighty March 26, 2018
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