A medieval word used to describe someone very poor and relied on archery to make his way through the world. Although, no matter how much it tried, it always failed in life. The use there high obesity to their advantage by suffocating people. They do whatever they can to protect their village, despite how poor, weak and pathetic they are. They have also been known to be "Owned" by Raloos.
"Hah matey', Look at 'em Razor Jimbobs begging!"
by Saloo January 20, 2008
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A derivation of Occam's Razor applicable in internet comment threads. When interpreting an existing comment, the comment should be liberally interpreted in whatever way leads to the funniest reply comment.
Original Comment: "I want to get the number 2 tattooed on my back so the guy behind me knows what place he's coming in."

Choice of assumptions:
1) the guy behind commenter is coming in place #2 in a race.
2) the guy behind commenter is coming in place #2 on her body.

Fatuity's Razor requires the selection of assumption #2.

Sample Sentence: "Choose your words carefully, because those assholes will apply Fatuity's Razor and turn benign comments into jokes at your expense."
by Oscar N. Paulson November 29, 2012
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A princple stating that:

When examining any given anonymous post on the internet that sings the praises of (Elon Musk's) incomparable genius and contribution to the progress of the human race, it is impossible to determine whether the post was made by a high school freshman, or a divorcee in their late thirties.

"Elon Musk" can be substituted with any silicon Valley con-man.
"I swear, these crypto bros all sound like they're only 15, but half the time when I go to their profile, they're balding."

"Elon's Razor, man."
by ThirdWelles December 6, 2022
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"Elon's Razor" is a reference to both Occam's Razor and an internet celebrity and noted meme enjoyer, Elon Musk. Like Occam's Razor, Elon's Razor attempts to "boil down" or simplify the complex nature of meme culture to state that the presence of comedy or relatable themes in a meme usually mean that the meme has struck at the heart of the matter, and is therefore more honest or truthy in effect.

This idea descends from several concepts of "painful truths" being present in comedy, and from online forum and image-board culture, as well as a tweet from Elon himself tweets on Nov 19th 2022 wherein he states: "the most entertaining outcome is the most likely." Referencing Occam's Razor.

Particularly it draws inspiration from the popular 4chan meme: "The Left Can't Meme", which lambasts the position of left leaning memes, that are often displays of right think, or virtue signalling, or in effect, propaganda. Particularly, propaganda that is to be accepted, instead of funny, relatable or novel, which are the main drivers in the sharing of memes.
Man A.) Let me share this meme with you...

Man B.) Man that's funny but I wouldn't say that in mixed company, it's way too controversial.
Man A.) Shyeeit that's Elon's Razor my friend. The funnier the meme, the more truth is in it.
by DerFurtzenFaherer May 15, 2023
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A person who is d e f i n i t e l y not a furry but always makes himself look sus by simping for Mountain
Razor is not a furry ok-
by Rui's secret stalker September 6, 2022
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A person who cares About you and is nice at times. He'll make you laugh and loves Joe mama jokes

- Fay
by faylovesyou May 8, 2021
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