The breakfast of fucking awesome winners. Can also be referred to as Winner O's.
" I left that guy munchin' on some Pwned flakes with that stick. "
by Bob12345678910111213141516 September 8, 2009
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It's When you have a choice but a female get in the wait and choice at your place
Dude : Hey Jacynthe let's go see this movie .

Jacynthe : Nope , it don't look very good , let's see this one . (STUPID GIRL MOVIE )

Dude : Damn , just got vagina pwned . *sad face*
by Web Corsair July 2, 2011
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adj. The state of getting pwned by the police, whether it's getting pulled over for burning a red at 2am, speeding or getting arrested.
Tyrone got 5-pwned in L.A. for doing 65 in a 64

You give that cop the finger and he's bound to 5-pwn your ass.
by mddan January 15, 2007
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Something that happens when someone is being beaten by double their score or more. Originated in Modern Warfare 2: Free-For-All. The person that did this is now allowed to brag about it and make fun of the person and the other guy can't say anything because everyone knows he sucks at the game.
Joe: "Dude! I totally uber-pwned this one guy!"
Ben: "Really? What was the score?"
Joe: "I got 1500 and the other guy got 750."
Ben: "Nice!"

Ben: "Dude I just got uber-pwned. The guy got 1500 and I only got 400."
Joe: "Wow you must really suck."
by Cooper15243 May 25, 2010
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The word "pwned" originated from the game World of Warcraft, as a typo of owned.

The word Pwned can be written many different ways, such as Pwnt, Pwn3d, pawned, pawwn3d, or p00ned.
Guy 1: Dude, I just pwned you in Halo!

Guy 2: Yeah Right, you just used a cheap ass sword.
by Kyle C.E. August 20, 2008
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An extremely high level of pwnage, also known as pwnership. When someone is pwned and you want to rub it in, so you say HAHAHA pwned in da faise!
n00b: WTF!? I died 10 times already!??!

Me: HAHAHAHA pwned in da faise!
by Bob882 December 18, 2004
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