Slang. Yo mama weighs so much Dora can’t navigate around her. Dora explores anything!
How much does your mom weigh? Um 300 pounds. Shit! Yo momma's so fat that even Dora will have trouble exploring her! Dora can’t navigate around her. Dora explores anything!
by B-rizzle June 28, 2019
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Someone who sits around his computer all day keeping a dictionary by his side at all times, so when he can find his prey, he can use it to attack them using huge words he just learned. He often looks on at the start of the day for a new big word to use.
Richie: "Stop talking to me, you are such a simpleton and you are not worth my time, you cretin, your wasting my completely precious time."

Mike: "Dude 'Cretin' is the word of the day on Way to be an Emu Explorer."
by the mysterious eggman July 9, 2010
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Exploring somewhere EVERYONE has already explored with the chance to find something someone dropped like cash or jewelry, and hopefully not a river gun.
My new job is re-explorer and I am adding it to my resume.
by Get Pecked April 13, 2018
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It means that your getting fucked by a bbc and it cums
Jon : Oh my god I just went rocky moutain explored up Jenny ass and I loved it!!

Mark : Damn you're a lucky dude.

Rocky mountain exploring up my ass
by Saw-illydfss September 28, 2018
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She is Dora the explorer but 1’000’000 fucken times worse you can’t be worse I’d eat Dora and fucken gay monkey then spit them out into lava because they’re so fucken horrible
When you get angry at someone because of that Fucken TV show they watch because Dora the fucken explorer is fucken horrible.
by Eguyg May 10, 2021
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a game that has a girl killing lambs and acting like a giraffe. a psycho ass bitch just like amarree bolton
have you ever played amanda the explorer
by amnarreee May 16, 2022
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Combination of “Exploring” and “Adventuring”, created while climbing annoyingly impossible mountainsides in Skyrim for “shortcuts”.

Term used when attempting to access “unreachable” areas in video games using overly-tenacious methods until success or absolute failure. Applicable to any videogame-related situation.
“Heheh, explorating time!” he said, as he mashed the “A” button on his controller to make his character jump non-stop. “I’m sure I can climb this mountainside eventually, even though I shouldn’t.”

“Hey, you know you can’t get up there, right? You’ve been failing for almost an hour now.”
“Shush, I’m explorating. These boxes might help me get there, I’m sure of it!”
by TheBouda January 18, 2022
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