Riot is bitch
A: what is riot?
A: riot is bitch
by Kevzai812 February 11, 2017
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League of Legends is developed by this pansy ass company. That is known for its highly acclaimed champion pool. Riot, however serves only as a platform for those who have the money to spend and buy new champions. Or those who have kept up long enough to afford champions(, and sometimes runes) in a timely manner. Riot can never fully deliver a true game due to new champions always being out of control for a time being. Thats how riot is actually a pansy ass gaming company, due to the fact never ceasing to debuff champions because it Gayly replies back to you in a lisp. "Kindred's ult was so a year ago. Haha! W\e get dunked on noob." Ect.

It has, (sadly) the largest audience of gaming members of time. And has been, (even more sadly) around longer than most online games with exception to some of blizzards games.
P1: What's that company called that makes League?

P2: Riot, the most absurd company of all time. Which reaped profits off a Warcraft map mode...aka DotA.
by Notelba April 16, 2017
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Riot is a guy who’s got really bad anger issues and has and addiction to milfs and a huge cock and makes hella bands
Dude look at riot why is he so mad
by Ctgriot17 December 11, 2021
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The most badass name out there. If your name is riot, ur cool. Very swaggy. And REALLY hot. They make great best friends. However if you piss off a riot, they Will not hesitate to put you in an air fryer and have you for dinner. Riot It’s great when it comes to comforting people. Most riots are either a Aquarius or a Sagittarius. They are warm for no reason at all. They are not popular, but they still try to fit in. If you are friends with a riot, you are a very lucky person. Because it’s a very rare name, even if it’s not their birth name. they always like to start riots everywhere, they will pick an argument with every single human they see. but that’s just them. it’s their personality. riots usually tend to have the best hoodies, they are really swag
Riot: fuck you
???: i fucked ur mom
Riot: ur moms a dude
???: uh oh
by Just.a.slice.of.toast. July 31, 2021
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*You'reat the store with your mom*
*there is a bunch of teenagers hanging out*
*Your mom notices*
*she rolls her eyes*

"Look at that riot over there!"
by Michy ;) September 18, 2022
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A girl with the funniest intentions and the best humor. Along with astonishing jokes, she has a lot of sarcasm and she definitely doesn't care about the outcome of her jokes. Although she can seem rude she has the biggest heart when it comes to romantic relationships. She is loyal and will love you until you break her heart. If you do break her you will witness the worst riot of your life. So consider yourself warned.
#1: hey your pants are up your ass
Riot: and your head is up yours
by Radio_indego17 September 4, 2021
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An alliance of gamers, found in multiple games, the original RIOT alliance was founded in 2008, and the alliance continues to be carried on from game to game.

The core members remain the same and are known for being highly aggressive and relentless fighters. The alliance is known to be fair in partnerships with other alliances and clans but also known to be relentless in the elimination of any group that betrays their trust.
The original RIOT alliance has a theme song and graphics consistent game to game, with the same leaders, and is often imitated but never duplicated.

The origin of the alliance name derived from the definition of the word Riot; causing mayhem and disorder in their enemies being the mission of the group in whatever gaming environment they play in.
The RIOT players are RelentlessGamers, who create an Alliance on every game they play.
by PitViper August 10, 2013
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