Dallas is a scrawny little white boy with a crazy amount of drugs hidden in its ass
did you hear? Dallas, texas (the person not the murder) is going to jail again
by Varamochi April 3, 2022
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a panty that is made to be unlike no other womans where she can give one to a guy to keep that shows they had sex ect.
by The Fury 13 September 26, 2010
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Personality Appeal is when an individual is attracted to another person not by their beauty or body but by their personality.
"Hey Nick, did you really like Sarah? I mean she's not good looking at all"
"Fuck off dude it was personality appeal"
by The Word_Wizard January 2, 2020
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A person from russia who can speak with a strong russian accent, probably they are a gopnik, but a good one, you know?
Me- Hey Sasha, how are you?

Sasha/with a strong russian accent/: aim doin greit! I hav bine working on my sitting like a tru gopnik, want to sie?

Me- wow you are a true russian person lol
by ThisPersonIsYinn February 15, 2021
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Person 1: h-h-hey
In Person universe version 2, Person 2 is born. Person 1 learns his first words.
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Hym "Lack of personal responsibility is a blanket term that roughly translates to: 'Expects other people to do for them the things that people are actively and militantly doing for me.... Because I deserve it and they don't.... Because I'm the one who decides who deserves things... Because I'm a prophet.... And those things include shielding me from criticism (or at least doing damage control), platforming me, crediting me in reference, creating opportunities for me, etc...'But no. What I lack is not personal responsibility. It's a lack of the benefits you all accrue from association bias and nepotism. I am perfectly adequately personally responsible. Totally sufficient."
by Hym Iam September 7, 2022
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