A name used towards a person with the name Zach or Zachary to either represent friendliness or aggression. This term can also be shortened to B.S.Z if already known by the specific Zach
Friendly; "Hey ballsack Zach! How's ya doin buddy!"
Aggressive;"hey watch when your going ballsack Zach!"
by Mr. Wiggles giggle May 24, 2017
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1 1/2 Parts Suntory Whiskey
Half Ounce Lime Juice
Half Ounce Triple Sec
Two Parts Passion Fruit Juice
Nick: “Yo Ryan you want to try The Shaved Ballsack Drink I made??”
Ryan: “WHAT?!”
by SirGrammarNazii May 26, 2023
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Itchy balls? No problem!



Take a fucking shower.

Derived from the Spanish word: Irritándo
And Swedish word: Bållsjak.
Man, my balls are so itchy.

Same here! I've got an irritated ballsack as well.

You both should get a shower.
by word definitioner July 23, 2023
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When a man puts his ballsack up into your arse, causing a brown-sack (see: brown-sack)
Person 1: My BF gave me an arse ballsack last night!
Person 2: I hope he washed his brown-sack afterward
by PooHole22 June 4, 2022
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