Reid is a nice guy and can be very caring. He loves to joke around with his friends but can be serious when they need him. He’s got a big heart and is very kind and compassionate. He has an amazing humor and he’s very smart. He’s also very hot and uses his amazing humor to pull girls. Reid is very loyal and caring so if you get a Reid hold onto him for the rest of your life. Reid has amazing looks but gets shy and awkward when he talks with girls. Reid also loves to show off and impress his girl, Reid’s love attention especially if they’re a Leo. Reid continues to bring joy to everyone around him. Also Reid is very competitive and loves winning, and he’s good at it too.
Girl: “Oh my gosh is that Reid?”
Other Girl: “Yesss, he’s so hot I wish I was dating him!”
Girl: “I love Reid!”
by @KingJames122008 September 8, 2023
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A bitch who either plays people or is smart. He either talks to multiple girls while leading you on or is that annoying smart guy who likes you but worn say anything.
When I heard his name was Reid I knew it wasn’t going to end well for her
by cluelessclutcher15 March 28, 2022
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-has back spasm- screams "REID HAS A GIANT COCK"
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i could take up about an hour of your time talking about him. he is just one amazing person. mean some times but as a joke. he has an amazing sense of humor. he is accepting. he is just the best. if you have reid as a friend or partner you are lucky af. he really cares. he is great.
reid is awesome
by ELLLLLLLA February 17, 2022
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Person 1: "WOW look at that guy, he's gotta be like 10'5"
Person 2: "That's just Reid"
by hotmilfisme April 5, 2022
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reid is a man you cannot miss and has a massive dick
by also c-man February 2, 2023
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Stephanie Reid is an especially rare type of person. She's actually who she claims to be and doesn't make any excuses about it. Tho the circle of people she knows is vast, her ring of close people is small. She understands and takes pride in knowing what it takes to be a true friend and doesn't take the same kind of friend in return for granted. She will give all of herself until she needs to recharge and then will give more. She is the awesomest of friends and will never let you down. She will make you feel about yourself all the positive things she sees in you. She is truly a beautiful person inside and out.

Most of her values and morals are old school and traditional so people and friends now days might neglect to offer common courtesies or a spacific mind set that she will automatically extend. But she won't call you on it, she will just keep being the high standard of friend she feels it's right to be. If Stephanie Reid has let you into her ring of friends, know your worth, consider yourself lucky and then turn around and put that back out into the world like she would.

But just a word of advise.... She doesn't take betrayal well. So if you're going to wrong her, buy your plane ticket in advance and have your new identity ready. Because even then... Good luck, I still wouldn't want to be you.
If you have a Stephanie Reid, hold on to her, be good to her, love her, be loyal and you will get so much more in return.
by October 17, 2021
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