The John fisher is a school full of rode men that are all on job all pull girls and don’t rate calmoes and all gym lads
by Zach is hot October 25, 2017
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In the book Tangerine Erik, Paul's older brother Has a football dream that their dad has been dreaming for.
Every day dad only wants to talk about the Erik Fisher Football Dream!
by HogwartsGraduate#1 October 22, 2020
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Fishy the fisher is what you call a black guy instead of calling them the N-word. It also means someone that can be gay for men or loves fish and wants to smash them really hard
Omg look at the fishy the fisher kiss that men over there!

Look at the fisher the fisher smash that fish, that’s nasty my jit!
by Billybob12309 March 27, 2022
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Noddy Fisher aka Ben Flintham goes fishing and can't buy a bite or bait for that matter always on the borrow
Me Zak and noddy Fisher go fishing myself and Zak always catch, noddy Fisher always blanks and calls everyone else a noddy the end
by Yeti81 August 28, 2018
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Erin Lee Fisher is adorable, intelligent, kind and pretty.
Erin is a true friend, she will tell you how she sees it and loves her people enough to tell them the truth, no matter how painful.
Erin is a treasured friend and if she counts you as one of hers, you are truly blessed.
Erin Lee Fisher should not put her tongue out in photos
by Megan McGee January 2, 2021
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An Urban Legend from colonial Southbend, Indiana about a Fisher man attending Fisher Town Hall meetings and parlor events to masturbate in public spaces. The townspeople banished him for ejaculating in the town’s lake. Legend has it, it you look too deeply into St. Joe’s river, the Fisher man stares back.
Frank: Do you that Greek story about that dude that fell in a lake or something?
Fred: Yeah, The Fisher Masturbator?
by L*na August 2, 2022
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An Urban Legend from colonial Southbend, Indiana about a Fisher man attending Fisher Town Hall meetings and parlor events to masturbate in public spaces. The townspeople banished him for ejaculating in the town’s lake. Legend has it, it you look too deeply into St. Joe’s river, the Fisher man stares back.
Frank: Do you that Greek story about that dude that fell in a lake or something?
Fred: Yeah, The Fisher Masturbator?
by L*na August 2, 2022
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