Describes anything amazing
Grant: How was your night bro?
Sam: It was wucked munt bro
by Jackmore August 11, 2008
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Swap the first letter of each word around

Mucky C**t

describing someone who is so disgusting.
ERRRGH that is dirty! You are such a Cucky Munt
by CHAR.GRILLED-Productions March 8, 2011
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When ones moot is so munted that it is unattractive to the opposite species. The munt moot usually looks quite flappy and very much loose.
"Jenny told me that you have a munt moot!"
by Norwegian Red Snatch May 15, 2014
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- an makeshift enema that is created on the spot in order to wash one's munt (asshold) out before anal sex.

derived from
munt ass
flusher - something that flushes (via water)

munt flusher - a device that washes one's asshole

could be a soda bottle, shower wand, etc
"So i was at this trick's house last night and he was desperate to fuck me. So I jumped in his shower and made a munt flusher out of his shower wand. bahaha."
by freddyfunk September 15, 2014
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