When a penis curves to the left due to frequent masturbation with the left hand.
"Dude, my dick curves to the left so much it almost has a complete bend!"

"Yeah, dude, you have a NASCAR-dick. Quit jerkin' off so much with your left hand. Change it up to keep it straight."
by Balthazaar December 14, 2012
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A New trend is southern decoration. An upscale move toward improving ones class with a southern flare. any object found or bought that can improve upon the present decore in one own house or yard.
"Hey, Bill-bob, I love the way you hung dat stockcar hood over your new #8 inflatable swimming pool. It makes a great shade for little Bubba. It's so NASCAR-Chic."

"I gest love your new double-wide, now that you added the whitewalls to it. It's so NASCAR-Chic."
by Michael Pleasant January 23, 2008
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someone who, upon seeing their face, you know probably watches NASCAR; also see hick, redneck, white trash, or trailer trash.
At the beach
Megan: Oh that guy in the blue board shorts by the water has a hot body!
Sarah: Agreed but I got a better look at him earlier and he totally has NASCAR-face.
Megan: Pitty.

At Walmart
Jeff: Why does Walmart seem to have such a high ratio of NASCAR-face?
Jake (holding up a Dale Earnhart Jr. t-shirt): Well this probably doesn't help matters.
by CrashJE June 21, 2010
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The Nascar 500 is when you take the penis and stick it in the barrel of a fully automatic paintball gun with a 500 round hopper and unload on the penis.
The Nascar 500 can be used as iniation tasks.
by ahdb April 3, 2008
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An event that is held everyday unknowingly sponsored by Walmart by where any fly by day consumer can become an alustrious Nascar driver by hopping in one of those scooter carts and burn rubber around the store at a blinding 2 mph. Most notorious and famous drivers: old fat people, REALLY fat women, lazy people, white trash, and people with diabetes. Cash registers and the deli counters seem to be the pit stops, with the exit being the finish line.
hey, wanna go to the walmart nascar event today?
by repthobo May 28, 2011
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People who have never been to a NASCAR race and think all their fans are drunk, mentally disabled inbred rednecks who only love NASCAR, professional wrestling, beer, country music and Dale Earnhardt Jr. They also think Nascar fans live in trailors and depend on welfare.

Their favorite phrase to say is "NASCAR sucks" because they're too blind and stupid to actually experience the sport in person.

Look at the facts:
Less than 10 full time drivers were born and raised in the south.
We race on ovals, Ds, a triangle, two road courses and a square. Where are the circles? THERE ARE NONE!
We race Chevrolets, Fords, Dodges and Toyotas.

We are not discriminatory against blacks, women, or Latinos. Look up Bill Lester, Danica Patrick and Juan Pablo Montoya.
Danica Patrick doesn't get all of our dicks hard. In fact, most NASCAR fans think she has no talent and she has the body of a pre-pubescent boy.

NASCAR cars can get up to 150 degrees. They have hardly any air conditioning, the drivers have to negotiate high speeds, they have to wear snowmobile suits, heavy duty gloves and a full faced helmet.
NASCAR Blinders: All NASCAR drivers do is go around in circles.
Guy2: If you think that way, let's go to the NASCAR race this weekend.

(guy1 realizes that NASCAR is more than cars driving in ovals. He finds out that the local economy gains millions of dollars for holding a race, he realizes that it is something a family can do together. He suddenly loves the speed and performance of the cars as they zoom by a 200 miles per hour. He finds out the guy sitting beside him is from Australia, they guy in front of him is from Riverside, California and the lady behind him is from Wisconsin. His opinion of the sport suddenly changes.)
Guy1: Thanks, man. That was awesome. I learned alot.
by The Litter Box August 26, 2011
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guy who gets a great amount of thrill and excitement upon wathcing a car make lefts turns at high speeds for hours. who then continue to play a wide assorment of nascar video games, have there own leauges on these video games and a set schedule when they have there leauge races, make there own game covers on photoshop, design there own cars on photoshop, and no everything about whats going on with the drivers. these guys usually have no girlfriend, or friend in real life(only internet/game friends) and have no life and do nothing with themselfs.
brian:omg kevin that cover looks great.
driggers:what about mine
brian:it looks good.......but kevin omg
john:shut up
toby:hey imma make a cover too
kevin:why is everyone doing what im doing
brian:so whose racing in the race tonight
shocker:sorry cant make it
greatcar:yeah i got band practice sorry
brian:well"(screaming in backround)brian..."i'll be right back
kevin:whip cha the whip keeper has spoken.
jess:shut up kevin. your all just ca bunch of nascar nerds.
by jada sinhora July 28, 2010
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