An over-obsessed maniac who is a female teenager who is annoying and crazy.
Fangirl: OMGGGG!!!!!!!!11!! It's Harry Styles !!!!!!!! OMGGGGG (cries) I WUV HIM!!!!!!!
by nirvana:) June 13, 2013
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Fangirls are a group of people (usually female) that obsess over things like celebrities, youtubers, actors, bands, or TV shows, and make a point of letting people know. They are known to want two people to be in a relationship. This action is commonly known as shipping. One may even ship themselves with a person or character.

They usually band together in groups when in a public setting, and it is rare to see a lone fangirl, well, fangirl-ing, in public. Their obsession can lead to irregular body language and facial expressions, suck as bouncing up and down, waving their hands around frantically, glomping, and in special cases, threats of violence. Although, thankfully, no fangirl has actually harmed a person worthy of a hospital stay.

Some place to find fangirls are at conventions like Comic Con, or on websites such as Wattpad,, or ArchiveOfOurOwn.

Not all fangirls are as crazed as they are usually stereotyped as, though. Others just have it as a subtle hobby/part time sort of thing, while others see it as their career (i.e. wHo NeEds a jOb WhEn I hAvE FaNfIcTiOn).

I will tell you this though, only fangirls truly get each other...
(Group Chat)
Fangirl_1: Expensive Headphones PALES in comparison to TreeBros!
Fangirl_2: B*tch please, we all know your just salty that Zoevan in canon!
Fangirl_3: LADIES! Ladies! Just keep calm and love the cronch!
Fangirl_1 and 2: L O V E ! T H E ! C R O N C H !

See what I mean?
(Disclaimer: Texting like this usually contains much worse grammar and punctuation)
by I_Just_Might_Be_A_Nerd November 10, 2018
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A female fan of a certain series.Commonly a teenager,and responsible for about 40% of yaoi and ponifications.
Yeah,she's a hardcore (insert anime name) fangirl.
by Pitchy April 7, 2015
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An average girl who has no life and is obsessed with one thing/person. Typical me.
Random person:Dude,you are obsessed with K-Pop.
Me:Like you know anything about being a fangirl.
by GalaxyKpop March 11, 2016
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an obsessive branch of the female sex. Can be addictive, and mistaken for stalkers. Fangirls don't usually fit in, but if you insult their idol... RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS
Idiot: "Harry Potter sucks!"
Fangirl: *hisses* *lunges* *kills* *walks away*
by percypottereverdeen November 27, 2015
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An very highly aggressive species of girls found in video game fandoms and in game. They are commonly found at the cringerooms at level -300-666. They usually simp for Video game characters or youtubers to the point of sexual thoughts about their god. If one should insult their treasure the fangirls will brutally murder the insulter.The weapons required to kill fangirls are:
Doomslayer's Crucible

Super Shotgun

Very good roasts
Chaos Emeralds.
Very good running if outnumbered
Me: I don't support Dream I think he is a green fatherless pissh-
Dream Fangirls: gets shotgun

Me: wait I was joking insanely unstable HAHAHA JUST KIDDING NOT SORRY BITCHES

Grabs rpg

Do not interact with them or they will tear you apart if you insult,
by TheMarketMan July 14, 2022
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Wafflebutter69, also known as Nina. She constantly fangirls over benatar from your favorite martian. Like more than half of her drawings are of him and she always says “weird” things about him so yeah, Nina is the definition of a fangirl.
Person 1: do you know wafflebutter69?
Person 2: oh yeah, she drew herself banging benatar. What a fangirl.
by Imliterallysosilly😋 August 30, 2023
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