Get closer to your lover.

Cozy up to your mate.
"Babe, schootch over here and hold me." "Schootch closer."
by NineSix February 4, 2010
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A bro-over is experienced whenever you and your bros have a crazy late night, full of not-drinking, not-smoking, and not-having sex, because you are too sXe for that sort of thing.
Yo man, why you so tired?" "I'm suffering from a hardcore Bro-Over" "Oh, the booze got ya?""Dude, XstraightedgeX for life.
by punkguitarcovers May 30, 2010
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Thatveganteacher: eAt, yOuR vEgtuuuUuUuUuUuUuUUuuUuUuUuls or murder and sTeAl a baby cow from is mother
Me: wtf let me eat my steak in peace idc about you legit raised to be made for food animal you over dramatic drama queen bitch
by 54345343&6&6)&(67&)77; get f&7 October 11, 2021
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Something you play in class when bored, it can also be used as an expression
by WayyBah March 31, 2022
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When children have too much candy causing them to act crazy or do crazy things.Also known as over-canderation meaning the process of becoming over-canderated or a candy high.
"When Kyle got back from trick-or- treat he was bouncing off the walls. I could tell he was deffinately over-canderated"
by Teddy720s July 8, 2009
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when someone uses the vaginal juices to style thier pubic hair giving it a shinny luster. (mostly guys)
dude i totaly used ashley to give myself a chrome over
by juniper2234 March 1, 2009
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To 'Flush Over' someone is to flush the toilet whilst they are speaking, effectively drowning out what they were trying to say to you.
Stef: 'What did you think of that exam?' (whilst competing with sound of toilet flush)
Rachel: 'Oh Sorry I just Flushed Over you. You are going to have to repeat that'
Stef: 'Wow that really was one hell of a Flush Over, I am actually mildly offended!'
by VoteBrigden June 11, 2008
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