The sexual act of wrapping your legs and arms around your partner, thus having them support your weight, while engaging in intercourse. Traditionally done by women; however, if your girl is much larger/taller than you or really strong, you can Koala her from behind while she stands or leans over. Another rendition is accomplished by wrapping one leg around your partner and grasping the back of their head while receiving a blow Job.
Damn that girl is tall, I'd love to Koala her.
by TheBladedBear August 11, 2015
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the most badass animal there is. bear-looking grey fluffy creatures. definitely koalafied for being the coolest thing there is.
Person 1: i hate koalas
Person 2: ~stops being friends with Person 1~

*obama is there, everybody is clapping, koalas attack Person 1*
by androgynous soup <3 March 19, 2019
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A smooth brained creature with little intellectual understanding.
by GetThatLinkOuttaHere February 18, 2021
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Often used as an insult for people with bright stupid ideas that somehow work.
"Yow! That's a koala moment right there."
"If it works, then it is a koala."
by GeorgeFriend December 10, 2021
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A koala who lives in a tree
came down the tree with glee
sat on a rock which hurt his bum
and then went back up his tree
I want a michael (the koala from the bible) as a pet please
by iuhuiluhiuhiuh July 22, 2022
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