The best couple ever, a couple made in heaven like they should be together forever. They will always end up together, no matter what.
OMG! I'm sooo glad Jorge and Hanna are going out they get along soo well together in band. They should have clarinet babies!
by jenniferc April 30, 2013
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Telling people that you're going to show up somewhere, then texting that you're otw, but then bailing after everyone gets to the place.
Jorge: Yo, you trying to go to Let's Meat?
The rest of the group chat: Yeah, leave now. Be there in 15 minutes.
Jorge: Ok bet.
The group chat: Aye man where you at?
Jorge: I'm 10 minutes out.
The group chat: Hey we're sitting down now.
Jorge: Yeah I'm not coming
The group chat: Always Pulling A Jorge, bitch ass
by B-rizzle90 October 1, 2022
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when you leave unexpectedly or without notice when you aren’t supposed to
“Bro where’s Robert at?”
He’s pulling a Jorge!”
by jorgie615 August 5, 2020
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To not have any type of interaction with your girlfriend or boyfriend
B: sit next to me

J: no I’m to shy
B: wow did you just pull a Jorge on me
by XXX_unkown_lol September 22, 2018
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Slapping with the back of your fingers of your one hand, onto the palm of your other hand. Making a slapping sound, meaning "money", cash, dough, green. Named after the hand signs of Mr. Capurro.
- M: hey, i heard about this new job, are you interested?
- J: (while slapping hands, thus "jorging").. how much man?
by m1ke February 9, 2007
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When a good friend will charge you for simple favors.
Can you help me install my TV, jorge?
"I need a tip to help you out."
Yup Jorge logic.
by Metal Kite March 20, 2020
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Jorgely is another meaning for “QUEEN” when she enters a room you shall bow down and kiss her feet.
Oh how I wish I was Jorgely.
by Mysterygirl11 November 23, 2021
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