While having oral sex with a female, spread the vagina and blow into it. Then tickle her to make her queef.
During oral sex, I gave my wife an Illinois Whoopee Cushion.
by Blow Hole Man November 2, 2022
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An uninhabited community between two cornfields that has a grade school, pop machine, and cemetery to its name. Also, it floods.
Wow, does anyone live in Harding, Illinois?
by NowhereMan86 May 26, 2019
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Your having a 69er with your girl and then you stand up and jump in the air in 360 degrees whilst she is still in the same position, and then you smash her head off the ground and nut in her bleeding mouth
My girl was being a fucking bitch the other night, so I got her in the Illinois screwdriver
by Chicago Cunt June 8, 2017
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The greatest and most exquisite form of hanging out with the boys. An Illinois Chaunce is something that only the most extreme party animals take part in. Illinois Chaunces take place in any area, primarily basements. Blunts, brews, and the boys predominately reign at the Chaunce, but women often times are there.
Hey what are you guys doing tonight?
I’m going to an Illinois Chaunce.
Wow, what an animal.
by jerrybeez8 March 11, 2019
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The Illinois Incident shouldn't be talked about ;)
by whatdahael February 7, 2023
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Meth ridden town in central Il, smack dab between at. Louis mo and Springfield, Illinois. Bunch of small minded bigots with low i.q’s. Citizens are prone to following cults, and being nasty racists. Avoid at all costs, their Casey’s pizza (all they have to offer) isn’t worth traveling through that shit hole. It’s basically a used car lot full of meth heads and dumb fucks.
what visit the meth capital of the world, come to Palmyra, Illinois.
by Truthteller1977777 October 20, 2020
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