The sudden inexplicable inability to demonstrate an action to an audience specifically summoned to view said action.

This phenomenon receives its name from the premise of a pet "talking" parrot who is suddenly silent when guests are invited to see it "talk." "I swear!," says the owner, "He says all kinds of stuff! He says 'hello', he says our names! Really! I don't know why he won't do it now...." while the guests nod and say, "Suuure, he talks. We totally believe you."

You "Every time I try to load this page I get a weird error message. I restarted and everything. Come in here and look at this."

IT Employee: "OK, show me what it's doing."

You: Repeat action that has resulted in a error 17 times in a row. Page now loads no problem. "I swear, it was giving me an error every single time before you were standing here. Talking Parrot Phenomenon, right there."

IT Employee: Gives you skeptical eye.
by Death & Taxes April 10, 2013
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The action of separating and closing ones butt cheeks while talking. Giving the allusion that the butt is speaking.
Dude! Last night I made Barbara's butt talk!
by TheMagicTy November 26, 2015
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when somebody says something they’re gonna do something but everybody knows they’re not.
yeah so i’m gonna do start a new diet and not drink soda anymore!

girl please.. you’re so talk
by cjagthts September 23, 2019
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SIC is full form for Smart Intelligent Creative talk. SIC talk is usually done by people with higher IQ than most of the world !!
John likes to SIC talk with his professors and artists from all around the world on facebook chat.
by Sepian October 25, 2012
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A group of middle aged women get together talking about how much cock they had before they were married and how much cock they had on the side while married and how good it was and how thick and big that cock was compared to their lame ass husbands
Those plump old big butt older women spent all day talking cock about how much big cock they had back in their younger days and how much hot cock they had on the side when their lame ass no dick husbands were away. People passing by heard their conversation and were shocked by the raw language used about taking big cocks hard and fast before the husband got home.
by BigAssscholar March 17, 2022
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A late-night-talk is a deep talk between two or more people (it must be a small group) that occurs between night and drawn. Usually on a quite place like a balcony or a living room, with chill music in a low volume, alcohol and/or other substances in lower doses. The themes usually are personal so these talks are exclusive to who participated on them and must be interpreted has a bounding.
After the party I had a late-night-talk with Jimmy and Karen, I wish you were there it was amazing!
by Albiito July 12, 2018
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