Basically a dickhead who stares at women ALL the time, comments on them in a sexual way and doesn't stop talking about them to his mates, or himself. Basically sticking to any women he finds attractive.
Josh sees a woman who he finds 'fit'
He turns to his mates.
*Next day*
"Ayyeee she was so fit fucking hell."
-Leech man
by Floppy Wanger August 18, 2016
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a close person who hates on themselves but is actually the noun.; the most beautiful person you have ever met. but yet still you show your love and affection by making fun of them.
Damn girl. your such a daddy leech. lemme snatch you.
by ss2315 October 22, 2017
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A person who steals the hard work of others to gain anything, either because they lack the skill to get it themselves or they're just assholes
He keeps stealing my diamonds, he's a damned leech
by thedebtcollector October 17, 2023
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1. Noun; A person who can't keep a job and relies on the contributions of a significant other to get by, while not giving any credit to said significant other; The loss or lack of employment is usually "not their fault."
Steven lost his job, looks like Jen has the leech in full force yet again.

Steven has reached peak leech, lost 3 jobs in one year and still hasn't contributed to the mortgage.
by whosthegoat June 26, 2018
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A retarded redneck with a crusty ass mullet named dirty dick Dan
Dirty dick Dan is a leech. He latched onto my pooper just to get a log of shit on his mustache
by Dirty dick Daniel January 9, 2019
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A poor bitch who fucks niggas for nice things AKA name "Khay"
If that bitch don't work she a fucking "leech"
by Omgxx February 19, 2017
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To benefit off of others without giving anything back in repayment
I don't have wifi in my house but it's ok, I leech off of the neighbors.

Man. Jessica is such a leech. She only comes over to use my wifi and eat my snacks.
by Prodigy20 December 29, 2016
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