A rare phenomenon where Easter and April Fools take place on the same day.
Jackson: Did you see that Easter and April fools are gonna be happening on the same day this year?

Matt: Yea, it's gonna be a great Easter Fools.
by Sethtaros March 20, 2018
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When Easter is on April Fools.
Person 1: Easter Fools!
Person 2: Don't you mean April Fools?
Person 1: Well it's Easter as well, so it's Easter Fools.
by Rairakku-Chan July 16, 2021
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When you want to have a very sussy easter.
you must be real bored if you found this.
john smith: yo did you hear that the strip club did an easter special?
chomama: yeah they came out with them easter balls bro, so cool.
by Boredom_awardom April 10, 2022
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Easter Bunny is a term for a superficial, shallow women who seems so enticing at first. Upon further review, she's as hollow as an Easter Bunny.
She's so beautiful, but couldn't be more shallow if you tried. She's like an Easter Bunny
by Siouxsie Supertramp September 28, 2023
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A rapist dressed in a bunny costume for your kids, So they can sit on his lap.
The kids visited the "easter bunny" this year at the mall.
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A creature that poops candy and pees soda.
I found candy and soda on the driveway. The easter bunny must've come last night.
by nilethe146 May 3, 2017
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An made up bunny who is known for hiding Easter eggs and giving Easter baskets out to children
Oh m g there’s the Easter bunny
by B.123456890😗 April 1, 2018
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