Short Asian Girls - Referring to Asian girls that are short or under 5'7"
We are saggies because we're short Asian female.

Hey saggies let's go to Disney!
by whatevertf August 21, 2018
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sink, subside, or bulge downwards under weight or pressure or through lack of strength.
"she let her head sag lower and lower"
by rhanan December 12, 2022
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When something is going to take a long annoying time to do.
Yeah, it's going to be a sags getting my money back
by Mightydre March 1, 2018
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mother: son what the beep are you doing, putting scissors in the kitchen plug? is this f-sag?

James : lol it's to impress my physics teacher in elementary school, to show that I know what electricity is. Therefore, what i am doing is not f-sag. Besides, something that is done f-sag, is done, in my generation, that is nowadays, when people say to you "watch this", then do something extraordinarily stupid like do a salto mortale off a cliff or a high- rise apartment building, without, rofl copter, having properly thought through what they were going to do, in order to amuse their friends. And usually, an f-sag moment ends in tragic consequences.
by Sexydimma August 26, 2012
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