Dumbass bitch who doesn't deserve the time of day or even thought about thot
by MaryJane Houston September 25, 2018
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She banged 10 guys and still got a 4 GPA, what a thought
by D1ck_Wh15p3r3r July 13, 2018
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I don't remember the last time I wasn't thinking of you

I thought a number spoke to me on Friday.. the same last night.. and today.. though the one since, I cant make sense of 😒 if it is you.. then fuck me an I impressed

I move between feeling so convinced and utterly lost
I ache when I think of what you're doing.. hoping that one day you'll be here with me, but not truly knowing is like a blade being twisted into my chest

I miss you.. SO much.. there are no words to explain it

You'd see it in my eyes instantly..
Feel it as my fingertips gently brushed against your skin
And we finally.. embrace eternity
You are ALWAYS in my thoughts..

Every last one
by 4_u September 10, 2023
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It certainly has fallen out of fashion to some extent and has been replaced with ideological conformity.
Iam "I had (what I thought was) an interesting thought but no one else wants to hear it. So, if you have a thought (that is, in fact, interesting) and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?"

Hym "We need to stop giving all of our ideas away for free..."
by Hym Iam April 22, 2022
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What was the number you didn’t understand or was being sent to you?

You would have to train your cat to use the pointer… or you could make kitty a hat and stick the pointer in it. You could even be you tube famous:) actually they have automatic pointers. You and your cat could play together:)
The three years is a little off… btw. Not that it really matters.

Completely understand having her being the only one that could get you to your knees.

Finding your love in an impossible way? Explain please.

I am very thankful my words have helped someone:)

Sorry my thoughts are running around… I have a meeting to go to tonight
by Replays are great! I love YOU! September 11, 2023
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My mind has been going crazy since last night..

I've shared a lot of thoughts with you.. but the thoughts I'm having right now.. are not repeatable here.. not in detail anyway :)

A taste maybe.. it's right on the tip of my tongue 🤔
Not gonna lie.. I've had that thought a lot.. and the next level of eye contact that comes with it
by 4_u September 24, 2023
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