Pop Lock routine. Using your hips, popping your shoulders.
"That fine ass nig was doin' the harlem shake on the dance floor!"
by Krystal. April 11, 2003
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as the "Harlem Shake" becomes more popular, the amount of people who know the true meaning of this word are low. the "Harlem shake" was originally called the "harlot shake" it was slang used by business men who would go on a trip, and pick up a hooker. but something would go wrong and the hooker would burst into seizures. later on it became popular when men would use a date rape drug n easy women, but the mixture of the drug with the alcohol would cause a violent seizure. in the midst of this ate ape drug phase the name evolved into what's known as "harlem shake" after the phrase became less poplar, it then came back as an odd YouTube video of which features normal dancing until the music changes in which the dancing become a plethora of people doing odd things.
(A) while Jeff was on his business trip, he picked up a hooker. he paid for sex, but instead only got the Harlem Shake.

(B) Frank paid a lot for his date rape drugs. although he was arrested because he caused her to do the Harlem Shake.
by 27071990 February 24, 2013
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Al B, a man who used to dance during breaks at the Entertainer’s Basketball Classic at Rucker Park in Harlem beginning in 1981, has gotten much of the Internet credit for inventing the original Harlem Shake, a dance characterized by wild jerking of the arms and upper body. At one point, it was referred to as the “Albee.”

In a barely comprehensible 2003 interview with basketball website InsideHoops.com, Al B says the dance originated with mummies in Egypt, who shook because they didn’t have freedom to use their limbs. “It was a drunken dance, you know, from the mummies, in the tombs,” he asserted. “That’s what the mummies used to do. They was all wrapped up and taped up. So they couldn’t really move, all they could do was shake.”
Harlem Shake
by kimbone February 24, 2013
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A slang term for a fake seizure. Could be considered racist by 2021 standards.
Doctor: "looks like you have case of the Harlem shakes."

Patient: *shakes harder* "but I'm have a seizure"

Doctor: "If you were really having a seizure you wouldn't be able to talk"
by Suprchkn April 20, 2021
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A type of dance going viral on the Internet. One person starts dancing like an idiot and more people join in.
Let's do the Harlem Shake!
by Derp 65 May 4, 2017
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