A sexual act consisting of at least 3 people simultaneously teabagging another, while another person dumps their clothes or other important possessions out of a window or into the trash. This act is often seen as retaliatory.
"Billy's boys decided to give Susan a Boston Tea Party after she cheated on Billy. They convinced her to go down on them while Billy trashed her favorite hoodies."
by XJ900 February 19, 2022
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Back around the time when John Adams was alive and lived in Boston, right before the Revolutionary War, where colonists in Boston got aggrivated with the new Tea Act passed by King George III stating that all imported tea will be taxed, and then creating a monopoly in tea, making sure that 99.9% of all of the tea that the colonists drank were imported, forcing them to all pay horrendous taxes on tea. This major outburst led to a revolt in which the colonists attacked ships importing East India Company Tea, and then they took all of the tea on the boats and dumped it all into the Atlantic. A major factor that caused the Revolutionary War and America's freedom.
History Teacher: Today will we be learning about the Boston Tea Party. I'm sure you'll enjoy the lesson.
Student: A tea party? How is this important to our everyday lives? And please explain how school could ever be enjoyable hahaha
*20 minutes later after the lesson is over*
Student: Yes, kick their asses colonists. Those stupid British deserve it.

History Teacher *smirking*: I knew you'd like it.
by the_true_name_definer ;) December 20, 2018
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When someone falls asleep first during a sleepover,the rest of the group go up to the lightweight and commence teabagging him/her
Mikey: gokul went upstairs to sleep in the living room, you know what that means? Josh: Yea who's up for a Boston Tea Party guys?
by superjosh! February 27, 2011
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when a group of gentlemen take turns tea bagging an unsuspecting victim usually the victim is sleeping
"In stead of having anal sex we just boston tea partied my sleeping cat"
by Francisco Attardo April 15, 2003
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A group 3 or more people who engage in dumping "Iced Tea" on each other's chests. This practice is similar to crapping on one's ches
The other day Nate and Brent asked Lindsay to come over for a Boston Tea Party. One of them messed it up by eating corn the day before.
by Sharts August 31, 2007
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A way to remember the actual Boston Tea Party that is held before you and your girlfriend are about to engage in sexual activity. While your girlfriend is waiting for you on the bed, you quickly jump on the bed and throw her off the "boat" (or bed in this case) like a box of tea.
"Michelle and I were about to do it but we had a Boston Tea Party and she ended up breaking her wrist from the fall"
by WetJet September 29, 2009
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when a young female is laying on a surface, preferrably a bed, opens her mouth and the male proceeds to urinate in her mouth. then, the male sticks his ballsack in her mouth and dips them in the urine. Finally, he uses his testicles as a paint brush and paints the womans face like that of the traditional Native American. Thus, we have the Boston Tea Party.
"Stacy is crazy. Last night she let me give her a Boston Tea Party."
by Matty Scals October 20, 2007
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