Taking a Dump. Can also be used with tenses and adjectives. T'ing a D, T a major D. Pronounced "tee a dee".
Drew: Man, I must have eaten some raunchy Taco Bell earlier, I have to T a D now.
by Grungerton September 7, 2010
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Lots of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
I can not find my L O S T D girlfreind!
by Baptiste Bidonde July 7, 2006
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t or d just means "truth or dare" but if your anything like me your too lazy to spell it out😁👍..... I thought everybody knew that until my friend asked wat is was sooo here I am making a definition for it on urban dictionary
ummmm idk when im texting my friend i just be like" hey, you wanna play t or d?
by ask_yo_gurl_bout_me🥵🤑 March 20, 2020
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A fuckin gay program made by small ng who is older than lord Voldemort and broke his leg while chasing a bus
D&T is gay.
Watch Small Ng Fuck himself in D&T.
Small Ng drew a penis in D&T.
by Blaze-Bus September 3, 2019
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When you have a two inch penis and it doesnt look like its getting any bigger.
TPD stands for Tiny Penis Disease
My friend Pete got pantsed in gym and everyone found out about his TPD. its really small
by johavon February 22, 2005
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Anybody wanna motherfucking die, come see I
Who me? T-double D nigga
That's right that's motherfucking me nigga
by BoasT March 25, 2005
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The act of flash freezing ones skin while procuring Freon from an air conditioning unit.
Tyler "Ok so hold the bag up to the valve"
Anthony "Ok"
Tyler "Now press the pen against the valve"
Anthony "Like this-SSSSSTTT-fuck!!"
Tyler "Shit looks like you got t-1000'd dude"
by Herzesser May 12, 2012
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