Someone who watches South Park
This Parkie just killed Kenny, that bastard.
by LEGOslayer September 21, 2006
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a person with a hot and cold personality.
comes from the term parker, keeps you warm when its cold, dry when it's wet
"Don't mess with that dude, he's a Parky"
by shootdapols May 7, 2009
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“he’s throwing a parky next weekend at mackenzie park!”
by temporarely September 6, 2017
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Someone who jumps around every day as they walk as if they had parkinsons, but they dont. They're just really annoying
hey, look at Parky over there. Looks like he put an extra pound of sugar on his cerial again.
by Mr Fergison May 29, 2010
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A place behind the Wessagusset Parking lot that us guys from O'Sullivan park used to drink. It is still there but buried.
Man we got wrecked at Parky's Pub that night.
by Bob Gruszka May 2, 2009
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The sloppy excrement which is produced by the common native australian park dweller
John; Fuck chris check out the parky pudding behind the bin out the back.
Chris; shit john thats a serious amount of poop.
by Petertheprickeater August 16, 2016
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Thomas Parkinson, aka Tommy Parky is the closest thing the UTTP, aka UTubeTrollPolice will ever have to a leader. It is said that he is captain of the UTTP and was arrested.
by munyal13 December 10, 2020
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