Evolved from planking, owling is the sitting on a random object/surface in a perched position, taking a picture of oneself and posting in on the internet.

I hate you guys.
Douchebag 1: Look at Ted!
Douchebag 2: What's he doing?
Douchebag 1: He's owling, it's the latest fad.
Douchebag 2: What about planking?
Douchebag 1: Dude, planking is like, sooo two months ago.
by Innosynce July 31, 2011
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Sexual intercoarse in which a man and a women are configured into a doggy style position. During intercoarse the Male very quickly remove the penis from the vagina and raise it up 2" and enter in the anus without missing a beat. This in turns surprises the femail whereas her head turns around 180 degrees.
Last night I pulled The Owl she never saw it coming!
by Haptic January 27, 2009
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Similar to lol, owls is something that you write when you find something amusing. The history of the phrase is quite clear, as web studies show a gradual evolution:

lol -> lols -> lawls -> jowls -> owls
Person 1: Whoa, someone thought you were a girl on the Internet!
Person 2: Owls!
by VelocityGirl July 24, 2010
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A relatively large bird that goes "Hoo" alot and can turn it's head 180 degrees. They live in the forest, eat mice, and are also capable of making the really freaky noises at night.
Owl:"Hoo! Ho-Hoo! Hoooo!"
Guy: Dude, it's an Owl! Kick-ass!
by Rakeman May 29, 2005
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1 - Verb - The act of staying up late at night, to "owl", "owling"

2 - Someone that lives the night life most of the time, an "owl"
1: guy1: what you doing up this late?
guy2: nothing just owling around, i can't fall asleep.

2:Brian seems like he sleeps all day and lives it up all night, ahh what an owl!
by infiernoboy1 July 31, 2011
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