A group of interracial bestfriends who never betray one another.
Me and my nukkas don't fuck with no thots
by Blackboyfly96 January 11, 2014
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aye nukka fuck u... nukka please
by kDoG November 4, 2003
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NUU-KAH: Noun: meaning a nicer word than: Nigga, Nigger, Whigger, and "that black kid."
Mayne, forget that nukka!
by Brooke V. January 5, 2009
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a big, fat, black person. Who blocks the halls in school because they think they are the shit. They smell like poop, no wonder their skin is black.
Lee's Summit North. Some of the most annoying nukkas: Atazia, Shurell, Monique, CeeCee, CyDNee, and Shanaynay.

Oh shit! Did that nukka just steal my iPod?

What the fuck, that nukka gave my girlfriend a concussion.

All the niggers, nukkas and jungle bunnies need to go back to Africa.
by Nukkahaterz December 16, 2009
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A way to call a black person a nigger without them realizing it. Usually due to their limited knowledge of the english language.
Whiteman: "what's up nukka" nigger: I gotsta ax you...What's dat?
by Terrell Simmms July 7, 2006
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a slang term for nigger, or negro. this phrase in mainly used when confrontation of two niggers occurs.
Hey Nukka!!! You got beef? Get yo black ass over here so i can curb stomp yo ass.
by m0n3y maker October 2, 2006
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A word used by an "emo" or wimpy teenage human being normally as a futile attempt for humor when talking to others of his/her kind. Usage requires no balls; as you are subtly replacing the racial term "Nigger."
MCRlovex333: U goin 2 dat concert 2nite nukka'????

NormalBoy: No, youre lame.
by Urine Therapy January 23, 2009
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