1. Any person who is winning an argument with a liberal

2. Catch all term used by liberals when they think they've been using Nazi too much.

3. A common element found in conspiracy theories.
1. Conservative: Al Sharpton is not a nice man, he's played a big part in instigating racial violence, and many of his statements are anti-Semitic
Liberal: You neocon bastards hate black people.

2. Conservative: Free speech is important in all situations even when it offends people.
Liberal: You're just a Nazi.
Conservative: In fact offensive speech sometimes is necessary, the Declaration of Independence may have been offensive to King George
Liberal: Shut up you Nazi
Conservative: Can you argue by doing something other than calling me a Nazi?
Liberal: shut up you necon

3. Bush and the Neo-cons caused 9-11
by Graham P Shaw April 13, 2007
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Basically a word synonymous to names like John Bolton, Pompeo, Dick Cheney, Elliott Abrams, Robert Lighthizer, Peter Navarro etc. A small, but constant clique in the US administration that is responsible for most of the recent US military invasions around the globe.
neocon Pompeo: 'I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole'
neocon John Bolton: It's All About The Oil.
by revelator1812 May 23, 2019
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A politician who, on the lectern, claims to be a conservative, claims belief in smaller government and less government spending, but in practice increases spending and increases the size of government.
John Mccain calls himself a conservative, yet he votes for Cap and Trade. He's just a centrist neocon.
by eskimospy77 January 16, 2011
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Neoconservative. Criminally insane spenders that believe in killing brown people for the new world order. Huge Orwellian government, unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe. Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon.
Neocons are the greatest threat to life, liberty and property this country has ever known.
by Author June 30, 2006
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A self-hating international communist. Neocons found it more convenient to hijack a conservative party because their message of socialized militarism didn’t sit well with the liberal Left.
by frick11 February 24, 2010
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Neoconservative; a socially-conservative socialist. The opposite of a libertarian. Many neocons tout militarism as their single issue.
The neocons planned Operation Iraqi Freedumb.
by Iraqi Freedumb 2 June 26, 2009
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Neoconservative; a misnomer for the American Neo-Stalinist movement (aka the Neo-Republican LeftRight).

Supposedly Neocons are socialists and leftists that “crossed the aisle” to the Right. However, in reality they remain somewhere in the middle, and off to the evil side. Neocons are evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of devil can really understand. Most Neocons are mentally-ill velociraptors, Ivy-League psychopaths, or sheltered bourgeois, who are not so much stupid as naïve, insane, and delusional. The Neoconservative movement is a figure of hatred for both the traditional individualist Right and their former comrades on the Old Left.

Like true communists, Neocons believe the tax-paying public are obligated to spend their lives working to fund the testing of their evilly-retarded military theories. Unlike other communists, however, they don’t give a shit whether their comrades have shelter, medical care, or any of the other basic necessities of life, and fanatically endorse socialized militarism at the expense of real public needs.

The Neocon’s idea of war is like the virgin’s idea of sex. Neocons are utterly, totally, and completely ignorant of war and the military. No Neocon has ever served in the military, and veterans are categorically excluded from being called a Neocon. Neocons used their wealth and privilege to avoid their generation’s war, yet feel they are qualified experts on the subject. Other than Powell, there was not 5 minutes of actual military experience in the entire Bush administration, which predictably resulted in the dumbest military maneuver since the Maginot Line (Operation Iraqi Freedumb).

The only achievement of the Neoconservative movement has been to render the term conservative meaningless. Neocons have looted the American treasury like a mob of criminally insane communists on methamphetamine, and yet still claim to be conservatives. Only a fool or a whore could consider Neocons to be actual conservatives
If you’re an Iraqi Freedumb supporter, but don’t know your arse from your tits when it comes to war or fighting, you might be a Neocon.
by Neocon Hater April 27, 2008
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