Based off the term "Lemon," which means a fanfic that has explicit sexual imagery, "lime" is a toned-down version, sexual without being pornographic.
Sara wrote two versions of that fic - a lemon with a hard-core scene and a lime that left the sex out.
by TEFM April 29, 2005
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You: Have you ever tried adding lime to your food for a sweet taste?
Me: Fuck you.
by WeeklyManner September 7, 2018
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Acronym for Living In the Moment Everyday. Its like YOLO or Carpe Diem, but not used by douchebags or nerds.
Guy #1: Yo, this party is dope. You just make out with that girl?
Guy #2: Fuck yeah, bro. Life is great. LIME it up, son!
by Derek Michael October 15, 2015
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trinidadian slang equivilent to hang out
lime, limed, liming, ect
"having a lime with some friends"
"i was liming with them last night"
"we limed together"
by Jess-Ma May 26, 2007
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To squeeze or pour lime juice into your mixed alcoholic beverage.
Steve: Hey man, I made you a drink.
Jake: Did you lime it?

Hey John, next time you make Sally a drink lime it or she will gag on it.
by Aaron_768 February 8, 2007
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