Gay, hobo, asshole, sissy, wimp, hairy cock sucking, muthafuckin, good for nuthin
poseing, mentally challenged, guhick fucker.
Tate Laird's brain is the equivalent of a three tonne peice of dehydrated diaharrea (which he often dumps on his trans mom's dick when they do it).
by Tate Laird January 8, 2005
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A kid that goes to Marvin that took a fatty rip of a Juul pod
Aaron laird took a toke of a Juul pod with semen in it!
by Alphatorrettes123xyz August 30, 2021
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Is a male stripper named Larry who spreads cinnamon love in the club.
Dann that cinnamon laird just hit me with his cinnamon stick.
by The slippery sloth February 2, 2018
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That smelly old bitch who doesn’t open your snap for 3 hours
by Byebyepussy June 17, 2019
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