That's a way easier way to learn what IDK means...
by **yourr.loverr** April 12, 2006
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No one seems to know what it means... Except some people that aren't dumb! It means I don't know, not I don't know what it means, you guys are seeing it in the wrong way!
What do you want to do? Idk
by xUYAHURAKA October 13, 2021
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Abbreviation for I don’t know. Tired people type idk.
Idk why my mom started licking windows like mad.
by Please lick windows January 26, 2021
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1. I don't know
2. I Donkey Kong - another way of saying I don't know, but much cooler.


Person 1: Hey, are we going to go watch the game tonight?
Person 2: I donkey kong :'(
Person 1: WTF is that supposed to mean?!!!
Person 2: idk
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