Guy:Do you know why there is a dead person in the oven?

Guy2: I dont know *Holding Knife*
by JohnLaurensRoleplayer January 15, 2018
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What your girlfriend says when she DOES in fact know
August: hey babe what do you want for dinner?
Susan: i dont know
by Skybluehoodie January 2, 2022
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A word used directly after/as a result of seeing something strange, random or non-sensical.

Common mistakes include:
- Spelling "wat" in the conventional, grammatically correct fashion. "What". This is incorrect.
- Including a question mark.
Bob: When i went to the air-conditioning store i found a rabbit and put it in my sock for yesterday.

Steve: wat is this i dont even
by ScottDouglas May 1, 2011
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Random dude: hey gaiz i jus cught diglet snorlax went boom ate too much kickz lolz

Other dude: what is this i dont even
by ryanxwonbin August 27, 2008
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This phrase is one of a kind. It has utmost emphasis and is a prime example of when someone does not care. The phrase is not to be used in a public environment unless you truly "Don't give a fuck". This slang sentence is used primarily when under criticism, because when you don't care what somebody else says, whip out an "I don't give a fuck!" and they'll shut their fucking mouths ;)
i dont give a fuck
by Christopher Campbell December 26, 2008
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