When one puts their cold hands on another person's warm body, causing him/her to recoil.
Jess gave Jon a grundy when she came inside shortly after playing in the snow.
by Jon O'Meara November 26, 2005
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The area of skin between a mans scrotum and asshole. Usually used in a threatening statement.
I'm going to punch/kick you in the grundy.
by Dave Williams November 29, 2004
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The downing of alcoholic shots (in particular vodka) in one go

'I got a grundy in vodka roulette '
'Prize to anyone who can get a grundy'
by Vodka Roulette fan March 25, 2009
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Going missing in a brothel for a week, smashing loads of bag before going home and pissing and/or spitting on your family
I fucked up this weekend, done a grundy didn't I
by Reegzie December 14, 2018
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(Auatralian) shortened form of government regulation undies, refering to plain or uncomfortable underwear.
It was washing day so she had to wear her grundies
by feuxfelix April 24, 2009
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1. a short fat person; a person who is wider than they are tall.
2. Slang. a penis that is wider than it is long.
Did you see that chick Jeff brought home last night? That bitch was a grundy.

Wow that guy is an asshole. Its OK - he's probably just pissed about his grundy.
by flikle September 5, 2009
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