when someone pulls a funny prank on someone else you expected to scream "Jacob Got em!!". originated from a group of annoying kids from queens New York.
*kid pulls down some girls sweat pants*

other kid yells out haha "Jacob Got Em!!"

* they all smile, laugh, and walk away*
by dicks4lifee123 December 30, 2011
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word usage by residents of hurstbourne woods
you gay. ooooohhhh got him
by Got him April 13, 2005
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your laughing at someone who messed up really bad that could get you in trouble too

by BattlemaniaYT subscibe to me December 20, 2016
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To tell someone that they have limited time to do something, or that someone needs to quickly finish up whatever they were already in the middle of. Usually said before something significant is about to happen that would make doing said thing more difficult to do later on.

Assumed to come from the military, with officers letting soldiers know that it was time to rest and indulge (e.g. smoking the cigarettes they earned/found) between movements. However, over time the term has somewhat evolved to imply preparedness and finality, as in "this may be the last time you can do this, so do it now".

Correct speech would be "smoke them if you've got them" which is usually cut down to "smoke 'em if you got 'em" or "smoke 'em if ya got 'em", depending on accent or how fast the phrase is being said.
"Hostiles incoming! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!"
"Well, I'm the ride home, and I think it's time to go. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, and then I'm leaving - with or without you."
"Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. If at any point during the ride you become disoriented... there's nothing we can do about it. Now, have you removed all of your jewelry...? Are you allergic to shellfish...?" "JEEBS!" "RIGHT THEN! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!"
by TheRobotMenace March 22, 2022
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When there is an unavoidable delay in an activity, some people will say "smoke 'em if you got 'em" as a way of saying "this is going to take a while to fix, so you might as well do something other than just wait (like taking a smoke break)".
After Joe's car broke down on the deserted country road, he called a tow truck and told his passengers "Smoke em if you got em".
by hogarth June 12, 2006
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When in a predicament when it appears there is no escape, one smokes if they have them because the health effects no longer matter.

Said in a time when death is imminent.
As the extinction-level asteroid tumbles toward earth...

John: "I can't believe we're all going to die like this..."
Mark: "Smoke em if you got em, boys. This is it."
John: <lights up>
by BakeCarrots December 30, 2009
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A phrase used to describe a general or specific discontent; a lack of physical or psychological comfort.
Person A: Damn, this is my last paper and a small stem poked through it. You got any?
Person B: Nah, sorry.
Person A: It's chill. We got these pipes and shit but still, I aint' got em' all.
Person B: Fuck it.

Person 1: Hey, how are you liking your Subaru WRX?
Person 2: It's cool but- 'I aint' got em' all'. My girlfriend's uncle died today and she's upset. She wouldn't give up the pussy and told me I was a prick for asking.
Person 1: Damn man. Well I can see why she thinks that.

Person X: It's definitely drab day after day. I'm always waiting for the start of something that brings the end. Life is a good, precious thing. But there are things that I miss, things that I used to feel and laugh at. 'I aint' got em' all', but I have what I have.

Person Y: For real.
by TRWoof June 2, 2018
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